97 99 908 | Twin-Wire Ferrules Assortment (Box of 200)

SKU: 97 99 908

Sale price
40.99 AED

Tax included

In Stock - 1 Unit

Product Description

97 99 908 Assortment Boxes
Practical dispenser box, stackable and reclosable. Handy, transparent dispenser box. Rotating lid with opening to remove individual wire ferrules. With insulated wire ferrules by DIN colour code. Format: Ø 90 mm, height 44 mm.
Content: 50 x KNIPEX Twin wire ferrules grey 16 mm (2 x 0,75 mm² / AWG 2 x 18), 50 x KNIPEX Twin wire ferrules Red 15 mm (2 x 1 mm² / AWG 2 x 17), 50 x KNIPEX Twin wire ferrules black 18 mm (2 x 1,5 mm² / AWG 2 x 15), 50 x KNIPEX Twin wire ferrules Blue 18 mm (2 x 2,5 mm² / AWG 2 x 13),

Technical attributes

 Length:90 mm
 Width:90 mm
 Height:44 mm
 Weight:95 g

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